Thursday 27 November 2014

Weight Loss Hypnosis mp3

At London Weight Loss Hypnotherapy we specialise in selling the very latest Weight Loss Hypnosis mp3's to help you shed the pounds. All our audios are professionally recorded and mixed by a professional sound engineer so you know that you will get a very high quality product. Our weight loss downloads have been specially designed to help you use the power of self hypnosis to make rapid and positive changes.

So for those of you who are unaware of hypnosis it is a deep and concentrated state of relaxation. Our Weight Loss Hypnosis mp3's use the power of the voice and music to lull your mind into this state of peace and tranquility. Once you have reached this state of trance then your mind is more suggestible. In other words if I suggest to you on the audio that you want to make positive changes it is more likely to happen if part of your mind wants it. Our mp3's are therefore full of positive suggestions which are repeated to make your subconscious create new positive behaviours.

Currently we have a number of weight loss audios which are suitable for all kinds of weight problems. At the moment we have the following which are available for you to buy:

  • Weight Loss Hypnosis 
  • Stop Comfort Eating 
  • Portion Control
  • Gastric Band Hypnotherapy
  • Stop Binge Eating
  • Stop Sugar Addiction
If you wish to purchase any of our weight loss hypnosis mp3's then you can go directly to our online shop at and download the audio of your choosing. Alternatively if you have any questions about our services then give us a call on 020 8351 2744 and we will be happy to answer any questions you have about weight loss hypnotherapy.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy London

At our clinics in Central and North London we specialise in Weight Loss Hypnotherapy London. Currently we have offices based in Harley Street right in the heat of Oxford Circus and also in Palmers Green in North London. We even have satellite clinics in Hertfordshire based in St Albans and Brookmans Park if you don't want to come into the centre of London.

Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy London differs from many hypnosis clinics as we look to find the causes for your eating problems rather than just focusing on suggestion hypnosis. Suggestion hypnosis is based around the idea of getting a client into a deeply relaxed state and then when they are in it suggesting to them that they would like to alter their behaviours. So in the case of weight loss the suggestions might revolve around eating less takeaways, doing more exercise, being mindful of what they are eating. Now suggestion hypnosis can be useful to helping some people make changes but it is not the only way of making permanent changes. For those of you who are interested you can buy our weight loss hypnosis mp3's from our online shop.

Let me illustrate why suggestion hypnosis has its limitations. If I have a client who is eating too many sweets then suggesting that they eat less of them will work with a percentage of clients. Now lets imagine as we had with one client that when they were very young their mother punished them by taking their sweets away from them when they were a small child. That child felt angry, upset and deprived and felt the situation was totally unfair. So when sweets were then introduced it would eat them as fast as they could in case they were taken away again. As they got older and they were no longer under their mothers influence they continued to eat those sweets whenever they could because now nobody could tell them what to do. The consequence being a massive weight gain but also when they went on a diet the subconscious was reminded of the original deprivation and anger and would fall back into the old eating pattern.

Now without a course of deeper analytical hypnosis this client would have carried on their yo-yo dieting. All of this information about why they had a problem with food was held in their subconscious and with an experienced and trained professional hypnotherapist we were able to get this information and then begin to change the way that they were thinking about food. In some ways we were allowing the adult side of their brain to educate the child that was still seething about the loss of their sweets. When this conflict was resolved they reported seeing rapid changes in the way that they ate.

If you would like to find out more about our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy London then you can all us on 020 8351 2744 for more information about our services and our products. We give all our customers a free telephone consultation which we hope will give you all the information you need about our services.